Publication ethics


The editors of “Etchmiadzin” Journal of Theology and Religious Studies, published under the patronage of His Holiness Karekin II Catholicos of All Armenians, ensure the scientific quality of the journal. The one set out below is based on the standards for publishing ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics and the Revue du droit des religions


The editors are obliged to submitting the articles to a panel of impartial reviewers for evaluation.

After preliminary review of the articles by the editorial board making sure that the submission comply to the set of rules,then the articles are passed on to the peer-review committee  in guaranteeing  complete confidentiality.

 Based on its adopted publishing norms, the editors of the journal will only accept for publication only those articles which pass the test of evaluation and are in full compliance with the rules of ethical standards. In addition an article will be judged unacceptable if it falsifies the doctrines of the Armenian church or belittles  the traditions of other religions.

The articles which do not satisfy the above mentioned policies of the Journal, the editors may reject is without giving any explanations to the authors.

The information on the articles received by the editorial board or the reviewing panel will remain confidential until its publication.

 The decision to publish the article is solely determined on the bases of the author’s compliance with the requirements of the Journal. Lawsuits for copyright infringement and plagiarism will be investigated. The editors will examine   plagiarism and in the case of extensive direct quotation (exceeding 15% of the article)without adequate  referencing   could  be rejected.

The decision  to accept the article for publication will be made by the Editor-in-chief on the bases of the evaluation of the reviewing panel after consulting the other members of the editorial board if deemed  necessary.

Articles rejects by the editorial board are not subject to challenge from the author.

The decision to accept or decline publication  will be communicated to the authors within 60 working days.


-Submission of an article, or other item, implies that it has not bee published or accepted for publication elsewhere. The authors of the articles give firm guarantee that the articles are free of any kind of plagiarism.Although the members of the editorial board will strife to maintain the ethical and academic standard of the contribution, they are not responsible for  the breaches of copyright rules of any form in the articles presented. The responsibility falls entirely on the authors.

-When an article is submitted by an author with co-authorships, the author who presented the contribution must ensure that he takes responsibility on behalf of the co-authers.

-The authors are required to respect and

conform with the rules and ethical demands of the editorial board.

-Authors must disclose any potential conflict of interest, professional or financial, that may have unwanted implications on  their publication.

- The authors must acknowledge  the funding institutions  that have supported their research


-The  editorial board has the responsibility to set up the peer-reviewing panel to review the article.

- The peer reviewing panel must confirm their ability and expertise to review the article.

- After accepting the task to evaluate the articles they must accept the guidelines set by the editorial board. If unable to provide a valuation they should immediately inform the editorial board .

-Peer reviewers guarantee the confidentiality of the article entrusted to them for evaluation and maintain total impartiality and avoid potential conflict of interest.

-It is the responsibility of the reviewing staff to mention any kind of borrowing in the article, the origin of which the author has failed to mention ,regardless of whether the said work is published or unpublished.

-The peer reviewers evaluation must be conducted with due impartiality, expressed in clear ,well-reasoned ,respectful manner, with the aim of improving the quality  of the article.

- The reviewers are provided with special forms and their work is unpaid.