Article structure and standards


Aritcles submitted must within the thematic range a determined by the editorial board.Contributions and speeches  made at international or national conference  will not be accepted .

Researchers with or without academic qualification can contribute to the journal if they meet the standards required by the journal.Contribution written in English, French,German and Russian are  welcomed. A contribution after it has been reviewed by a peer panel will be published within the topic listed below:

  • Bible Studies
  • Dogmatic Theology
  • Patristics (or Patrology)
  • Liturgiology
  • Canon Law
  • Moral Theology
  • The Bible and Archaeology
  • Calendarology
  • Ecclesiastical Source Criticism
  • Church History
  • Theology of Art
  • Philosophical Theology
  • Modern Theology
  • Religion and Pedagogy
  • History of Religion
  • Philosophy of Religion

B)General notes on the structure of the article.

The article must be made in electronically, formatted in Microsoft Word Format.Paper verion should not exceed 1,2000 words on A4 size paper; with 2xm margins on either side.The fonts should be Times New Roman; font size 12; 10 pt for the footnotes spacing of text 1pt.

Texts in early and classical languages should be given in the Unicode font typeface. In the case of employing exceptional type fonts, these should be made available   with the article to the editors.

The general structure of the article should be as follows:

  1. The name of the author (English),
  2. The title of the manuscript (English),
  3. Authors’ Data (English),
  4. Abstract (English),
  5. Keywords (English),
  6. The name of the author (in original language),
  7. The title of the manuscript (in original language),
  8. Authors’ Data (in original language),
  9. Abstract (in original language),
  10. Keywords (in original language),
  11. The main text of the article,
  12. Bibliography


Information about the author or authors should be placed after the title. Required data is:

  • The name, patronymic, surname, academic degree and rank of the authors,
  • Authors’ workplace or study place and position,
  • Postal address of each author’s workplace or study place,
  • E-mail address

The author's phone number must be sent in a separate letter.

In case of more than one author, the data of each one must be written separately.


The abstract should be place immediately below the author’s data. It should nor exceed more than 200/300 words.The text should not contain words in italics or bold, abbreviations and  should not be set  in paragraphs. It must  contain․

The main concern of the article

The methodology adopted

The important conclusions of the article


           The list of keywords limited to 8-10 words or phrases must be punctuated by  commas and concluded by a full stop.These words must reflect the significant elements of the research.


The main text of the manuscript is preferably divided into the following parts:

  • Introduction - should reflect the problem of the research, methodological questions, the degree of research, define the propound goals.
  • The main part of the study - should be written in an understandable scientific narrative, and it can also be divided into thematic sub-chapters.
  • Conclusion - the result or results of the research should be clearly defined.
  • Bibliography - should reflect all literature referenced in the study's footnotes (see below for details).

If the research was funded by an organization, or the author(s) have a word of gratitude, this can be included at the end of the article before the bibliography.


The procedure for compiling the Bibliography .The references must be ordered   under the following headings:

  • Manuscripts
  • Primary sources
  • Printed sources
  • Studies and articles

The list should be made in alphabetical order.

Sources with the Latin script should be included in the list in the following order:

  1. Primary sources - the full name of the author of the primary source must be indicated without any abbreviations, then the year of publication in parentheses (), if it is a translation, then the language of the translation: eng. transl., fren. transl., germ. transl. etc., after which it is necessary to write the sign =, then the title of the work in italics, the first letter of the publisher's name and the last name. In the case of the publisher, you should also add: (ed.), if there are several publishers, separate the names with a comma and write (eds.) at the end, in the case of the translator: (transl.), in the case of the annotator: (comment.), after which must be written the place of the publication and the name of the publishing house.

If the primary source is published in a periodical series or anthology, before specifying the place of publication, the full data of the given series or anthology should be written in italics (abbreviate only acceptable, if there is an official form).

For example:

  • Sebeos (1999) transl. = The Armenian History attributed to Sebeos, R. W. Thomson (transl.), J. Howard-Johnston (comment.), Translated Text for Historians, Vol. 31, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press․

If reference is made to different works of the same author, one should write the name of the author, the title of the work in abbreviated and italics forms (abbreviate so that the bibliographic data are recognizable), the publication year in parentheses () and after the = sign the full data according to the above version. In the case of the works being published in collections, their full page numbers in the given collection should be indicated at the end.

If there are Latin versions of the work's title and its author's name alongside the original text, such as in the PG series published by Migne, then the Latin version should be mentioned.

For example:

  • Cyrillus Alexandrinus, ad Romanos (1863) = Explanatio in Epistolam ad Romanos, PG, vol. 74, Col. 773-856.
  • Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Joann. (1863) = Commentariorum in Joannem (continuatio), PG, vol. 74, Col. 9-756.

If the presented primary source has not an author or the author is unknown, then firstly the published title of the work should be abbreviated (abbreviated so that the bibliographic data are recognizable), then the year of the publication in parentheses (). If it is a translation publication, the language of the translation, according to the above order, and write the full title in italics after the = sign, and the other data according to the example mentioned above.

For example:

  • Guidi Chronik (1893) germ. transl. = Die von Guidi herausgegebene syrische Chronik, Th. Nöldeke (transl., comment.), Wien.
  1. Books, Monographs - first, the author's surname must be indicated, then the first letter of the name, as well as the first letter of the patronymic (if it presents on the title page), after which the year of publication in parentheses (), the "-" sign, the full title of the work in italics. If it is a volume, then should be written its serial number, after which, in the case of a reprint, its number, and if the submitted work is a translation, then the first letter of the translator's name, surname and in parentheses () - "eng. transl.", "germ. transl." etc. After the indicated data, must be mentioned the full name of the place of publication, then the name of the publishing house and at the end should be added a full stop ".".

If there are more than one author, then separate the names with commas.

For example:

  • Stratos A. N. (1968) – Byzantium in the Seventh Century, I (602-634), M. Ogilvie-Grant (eng. transl.), Amsterdam,
  • Grillmeier A. (2004) – Jesus der Christus im Glauben der Kirche, 2/2, Die Kirche von Konstantinopel im 6. Jahrhundert, Freiburg; Basel; Wien: Herder,
  • Diehl Ch. (1924) – Histoire de LʼEmpire Byzantin, Paris: Auguste Picard.

If the book or monograph is published in a periodical series, then before specifying the place of publication, the data of the series should be written. If there is an official abbreviation of the given series name, then the abbreviated version should be indicated.

For example:

  • Winkelmann F. (2001) - Der monenergetisch-monotheletische Streit, Berliner Byzantinistische Studien, Bd. 6, Frankfurt am Main; Berlin; Bruxelles; New York; Oxford; Wien: Peter Lang.
  1. Articles published in periodicals, encyclopedias - the author's surname must be indicated, then the first letter of the name, as well as the first letter of the patronymic (if available in the data), after which the publication year in parentheses (), then the "-" sign, the full title of the work, periodical or encyclopedia data (official name in italics and original language, publication year, issue number or volume), followed by the place of publication and publisher. If there is an official abbreviation of the name of the specified periodical or encyclopedia, then it is necessary to indicate that version, after which there is no need to indicate the place of publication, because the complete data is given next to each of them in the abbreviations section of our periodical. At the end, the complete pages of the submitted article must be indicated ("pp." in case of English, French, etc., "S." in case of German) and should be added a full stop ".".

If there are more than one author, then separate the names with commas.

For example:

  • Rubenson S. (2015) – Asceticism: Christian Perspectives, Encyclopedia of Monasticism, Johnston W. M., Kleinhenz C. (eds.), 2015, vol. 1-2, London; New York: Routledge, pp. 92-94.
  • Brock S. (1966) - The Armenian and Syriac versions of the Ps-Nonnus mythological scholia, LM79, pp. 401-428.
  • Brock S. (1965) - An early Armenian palimpsest fragment of Hebrews, Revue des études arméniennes, 1965, vol. 2, pp. 124-134.
  1. A separate chapter of any collection or collective work, scholarly foreword or introduction to publications which have the value of a individual study - the author's surname must be indicated, then the first letter of the name, as well as the first letter of the patronymic (if available in the data), after which the publication year in parentheses (), then the "-" sign, the full title of the work, and «in:», then in the case of a collection or collective work, their full title in italics, the first letter and surname of the editor or publisher and (ed.), if there are more than one: (eds.), the place of publication, the ":" sign, the publisher and page numbers of the given section.

For example:

  • Zekiyan L. B. (2018) - Mekhitar (Mxitʻar) and the Armenian Monasticism in Communion with the Roman Church: Highlights in the Mechitarian Movement and its Ecumenical Challenge, in:Monastic Life in the Armenian Church, J. Dum-Tragut, W. W. Dietmar (eds.), Wien: LIT, pp. 137-148.
  1. Electronic/Internet sources - first of all, must be indicated the full surname of the author, the first letter of the name (if available in the data, also the first letter of the patronymic), the year of publication of the material in parentheses (), the full title of the theme in italics, then you should write "available at: []" and in brackets add the web link, followed by accessed and /view date/.

If the author of the referenced source is unknown or does not exist at all, then the abbreviated version of the name should be indicated first, then the year of publication in parentheses (), and the "=" sign, after which the full name should be in italics, and the rest of the data should be as above.

If in the case of e-books or periodicals and newspapers the year of publication of the source is clear, then in the instance of direct Internet materials, the year of publication of the given material on the website should be indicated, and if it is also unknown, then in parentheses () you should write "n.d.", which is an abbreviated version of "no date".

For example:

  • Nails D., Monoson S. (2022) - Socrates, available at: [], accessed /28.02.2023/.
  • Gregory the Great (Jun 4th, 2022) = Gregory the Great Life and Teachings, available at: [], accessed /28.02.2023/.
  • Nails D., Monoson S. (n.d.) - Socrates, available at: [], accessed /28.02.2023/.

Non-Latin Sources

All non-Latin sources in the bibliography should be transcribed and English translations of their titles should be given in brackets []. At the end of the presentation of such sources, the original language should be indicated in round parentheses as follows: (in Armenian), (in Russian), (in Greek), etc. Romanization should be done based on «Library of Congress Romanization Table» [].

Those non-Latin editions in which the full English translations of their titles are given in parallel should be guided by those translations. If there are already accepted and well-known transcriptions of the names of the authors of non-Latin sources, then you should be guided by them.

Thus, when compiling thebibliography, in the case of non-Latin sources, one should be guided in the following order:

  1. Printed sources - write the author's full name in Latin letters without any abbreviations, then the year of publication in brackets (), followed by the title of the work in Roman letters and italics, after which, without a period or comma, in brackets [], must be written the English translation of the title, followed by the first letter of the publisher's name and the original surname and (ed.), in the case of more than one publisher, separate their names with a comma, and write (eds.) at the end. After this data, indicate the full name of the place of publication in English/Latin transliteration, then after the separator (":") symbol, if available, write the English translation/Latin transliteration of the publisher's name (if the publisher does not have an official English name). End the complete entry of data with the sign of ".".

For example:

Բնագիր տվյալներ


Մովսէս Խորենացի, Պատմութիւն Հայոց, քննական բնագիրը և ներածութիւնը Մ․ Աբեղեանի և Ս․ Յարութիւնեանի, Երևան, ՀԽՍՀ ԳԱ, 1991։

Movsēs Khorenatsʻi (1991) - Patmutʻiwn Hayōtsʻ [History of Armenians], M. Abeghian, S. Yarutʻiwnian (eds.), Yerevan: AS ASSR (in Armenian).

If the primary source does not have a separate author or the author is unknown, then the title of the work should be shortened to refer to it in the footnote, but in such a way that the bibliographic data is recognizable in the list of literature. After the abbreviated version of the title, the year of publication should again be written in parentheses (). In the case of non-Latin names, transliteration must be done again. In the final bibliography, the abbreviated version must first be written, the year of publication indicated in parentheses (), after which the full bibliographic data of the referenced source should be indicated with the "=" sign: firstly with the Latin transliteration in italics, then with the English translation in  brackets []. After that, indicate the number of the volume (if available), then the transliteration of the names of the publisher(s) respectively in parentheses () writing "ed." or "eds.", followed by the full name of the place of publication in English/with transliteration, then after the separator symbol ":" should be written English translation/Latin transliteration of the name of the publisher's (if the publishing house does not have an official English name). End the complete entry of data with ".".

For example:

Բնագիր տվյալներ


Կանոնագիրք Հայոց, հտ․ Բ, աշխատասիրությամբ Վազգեն Հակոբյանի, ՀՍՍՀ ԳԱԱ հրատարակչություն, Երևան, 1971։

Kanonagirkʻ Hayotsʻ, 2, (1971) = Kanonagirkʻ Hayotsʻ [Armenian Book of Canons], Vol. 2, V. Hakobyan (ed.), Yerevan: AS ASSR (in Armenian).

Since the primary sources are often preserved or published in collections or periodicals, therefore, in that case, the above mentioned principles should be followed, but after the English translation of the title of the work, the Latin transliteration of the full name of the collection or periodical should be indicated in italics (or in the case of modern collections, the English translation, if an official translation is available, and in the case of historical collections, should be written both the transcription and the English translation in brackets []), then the corresponding volume/number, place of publication, pages and ".".

Based on the form of the titles of the primary sources that have come down to us, they can be shortened for brief mention in footnotes.

For example:

Բնագիր տվյալներ


Աբրահամ Աղբաթանեցի, Պատասխանի թղթոյն Մովսիսի // Մատենագիրք Հայոց, Դ․ հատոր, Է․ դար, Անթիլիաս-Լիբանան, 2005, էջ 7։

Abraham Aghbatʻanetsʻi (2005) – Pataskhani tʻghtʻoyn Movsisi [Answer to the epistle of Moses], Matenagirkʻ Hayotsʻ, vol. 4, VII dar [century], Antʻilias-Libanan, p. 7 (in Armenian).

Թուղթ Պրոկղեայ եպիսկոպոսի առ սուրբն Սահակ Հայրապետ Հայոց եւ առ սուրբն Մաժդոց // Գիրք թղթոց, Թիֆլիս, տպարան Տ․ Ռօտինեանց եւ Մ․ Շարաձէ, 1901, էջ 1-8։

Proclus to Sahak (1901) - Tʻughtʻ Prokgheay episkoposi aṛ surbn Sahak Hayrapet Hayotsʻ ew aṛ surbn Mazhdotsʻ [Epistle of Bishop Proclus to the Patriarch of Armenians st. Sahak and to st. Mazhdotsʻ], Girkʻ tʻghtʻotsʻ [Book of Letters]Tbilisi: T. Rōtineantsʻ ew M. Sharadzē Press, pp. 1-8 (in Armenian).

  1. Books, Monographs - write the full surname of the author in Latin transcription, then the first letter of the name, as well as the first letter of the patronymic (if present on the title page), after which should be indicated the year of publication in parentheses (), the "-" sign, and must be written the transcription of the full title of the work in italics (the volume or reprint designation is also included in the title), then, without a period or comma, the English translation of the title in brackets [], the full name of the publication place in English/with transliteration, then after adding the separator ":" symbol, it is necessary to write the English translation/Latin transliteration of the name of the publishing house (if the publishing house does not have an official English name). End the complete entry of data with ".".

For example:

Բնագիր տվյալներ


Բաղումյան Զ․ ծ․ վրդ․, Կիրակոս Երզնկացու՝ Սուրբ Եւագր Պոնտացու լուծմունքները, Երևան, 2022:

Baghumyan Z. (2022) – Kirakos Erzʹnkatsu Surb Ewagʹr Pontatsu lutsmunkʻnerě [Kirakos Erznkatsʻi’s Commentaries On Saint Evagrius Ponticus’ Works], Yerevan (in Armenian).

Անանյան Շ․ ծ․ վրդ․, Երկխոսություն և մեկնություն․ դրվագներ քրիստոնեական մեկնարվեստի ծագման պատմությունից, Սբ․ Էջմիածին, Մայր Աթոռ Սուրբ Էջմիածնի հրատարակչություն, 2022։

Ananyan Sh. (2022) – Erkkhosutyun ev meknutyun. dʹrvagner kʻristoneakan meknarvesti tsagman patmutyunits [Dialogue and Exegesis: Studies On The Formation Of Early Christian Hermeneutics], Holy Etchmiadzin: Publishing House of Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin (in Armenian).

If a modern translation of a book or monograph is presented, then the original data of the given work must be indicated, in the case of non-Latin works with an English translation, the name of the translator, and. transl. in parentheses (). After specifying the place of publication and the publishing house, at the end in parentheses () should be indicated the language of the translation: Armenian translation, Russian translation, etc.

For example:

Բնագիր տվյալներ


Կանտ Ի․, Պրոլեգոմեններ ապագա ամեն մետաֆիզիկայի, թարգմանությունը գերմաներենից, առաջաբանը և ծանոթագրությունները՝ Սերգեյ Ստեփանյանի, Երևան, Սարգիս Խաչենց, 2000:

Kant I. (2000) - Prolegomena zu einer jeden künftigen Metaphysik, S. Stepanyan (transl.), Yerevan: Sargis Chatschents (Armenian translation).

  1. Articles published in periodicals, encyclopedias, anthologies - firstly, should be written the transcriptions of the full surname of the article's author, the first letter of the name (if available in the data, also the first letter of the patronymic), the year of publication in parentheses (), after the "-" sign must be added the transcription of the title of the article, then, without any separator, in brackets [], its English the translation, followed by the italicized periodical name transliteration, or the English translation, if it has an official translation name, if it does not, only the transliteration, issue/volume, place of publication, pages, end with a "." sign. At the end, the DOI should also be noted, if available.

It is not allowed to shorten or change the name of the periodical, encyclopedia or collection in any way, if there is no official abbreviation.

For example:

Բնագիր տվյալներ


Հասրաթյան Մ․, Ագուլիսի Ս․ Թովմա Առաքյալ վանք // Քրիստոնյա Հայաստան հանրագիտարան, խմբ.՝ Ա. Ղազարյան, Ա. Արևշատյան, Լ. Խուդոյան, Լ. Կոստանյան, Մ. Հասրաթյան, Ս. Սահակյան, Լ. Սարգսյան, Ա. Ստեփանյան, Երևան, Հայկական Հանրագիտարանի Գլխավոր Խմբագրություն, 2001, էջ 14-15։

Hasratyan M. (2001) – Agulisi S. Tʻovma Aṛakʻyal vankʻě [The Monastery Apostle St. Tʻovma in Agulis], Kʻristonya Hayastan hanragitaran, A. Ghazaryan, A. Arevshatyan, L. Khudoyan, L. Kostanyan, M. Hasratyan, S. Sahakyan, L. Sargʹsyan, A. Step‘anyan (eds.), Yerevan: Haykakan Hanragitarani Gʹlkhavor Khʹmbagrutyun, pp. 14-15 (in Armenian).


Յովսէփեան Գ․ սրկ., Եկեղեցին եւ աղքատների խնամատարութեան գործը // Արարատ ամսագիր, թիւ Ե, Սբ․ Էջմիածին, 1897, էջ 195-199։

Ḥovsēpʻean G. (1897) - Ekeghets‘in ew aghk‘atneri khʹnamatarutean gortsě [The Church and the Work of Foster Care of the Poors], Ararat amsagir, tiv [№] 5, Holy Etchmiadzin, pp. 195-199 (in Armenian).


  1. A scholarly introduction or foreword to any original publication or other publication that has the value of a separate scientific study and is independent of the text itself - the author's surname must be indicated, then the first letter of the name, as well as the first letter of the patronymic (if available in the data), after which in parentheses () the publication yearr, the "-" sign, the transcription of the full name of the study, in brackets [] the English translation, if it does not have a specific title and is written as Introduction or Preface, then simply write Introduction, then must be written "in:" and the full title of the work itself: italics, the first letter and last name of the editor or publisher and (ed.), if there are more than one: (eds.), the place of publication, the separator ":" sign, the publisher and the page numbers of the given section.

In case of being in a separate or periodical collection, indicate its complete data.

For example:

Բնագիր տվյալներ




Մալխասյան Ա․ Ա․, Ներածութիւն // Թուղթք Պաւղոսի առաքելոյ (քննական բնագիր), աշխատասիրութեամբ Ա․ Ա․ Մալխասեանի, Սբ․ Էջմիածին, Մայր Աթոռ Սուրբ Էջմիածնի հրատարակչութիւն, 2021, էջ 7-212։

Malkhasyan A. A. (2021) – Introduction, in: T‘ught‘k‘ Pawghosi arak‘eloy (k‘nnakan bʹnagir) [Epistles of the Apostle Paul], A. Malkhasyan (ed.), Holy Etchmiadzin: Publishing House of Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, pp. 7-212 (in Armenian).

Բոզոյեան Ա․, Ներսէս Շնորհալու թղթագրական ժառանգութիւնը // Մատենագիրք Հայոց, ԻԲ․ հատոր, ԺԲ․ դար, Երեւան, 2022, էջ 11-36։

Bozoyan A. (2022) – Nersēs Shnorhalu t‘ght‘agrakan zhaṛangutiwně [Documentary Heritage of Nerses Shnorali], Matenagirk‘ Hayots‘, vol. 22, 12th century, Yerevan, pp. 11-36 (in Armenian).

  1. Electronic/Internet sources - first of all, must be indicated the transcriptions of the author's full surname, the first letter of the name (if available in the data, also the first letter of the patronymic), the year of publication in parentheses (), the full title of the source in italics, its English translation in brackets [], then you should write "available at: []" and in brackets add the web link, followed by accessed and /view date/.

If the author of the referenced source is unknown or does not exist at all, then on the basis of English translation the abbreviated version of the name should be indicated first, then the year of publication in parentheses (), the "=" sign, followed by the transcription of the full title in italics, the English translation in brackets [], and the rest of the information should be as above given.

If in the case of e-books or periodicals and newspapers the year of publication of the source is clear, then in the instance of direct Internet materials, the year of publication of the given material on the website should be indicated, and if it is also unknown, then in parentheses () you should write "n.d.", which is an abbreviated version of "no date".

For example:

Բնագիր տվյալներ


Տեր-Մինասյանց Ե․ վրդ․, Արիոսական վեճի սկզբնավորությունը [], (դիտված՝ 15.02.2023)։

Ter-Minasyantsʻ E. (2018) – Ariosakan vechi skzbnavorutʻyuně [The Beginning of the Arian Controversy], available at: [], accessed /15.02.2023/ (in Armenian).


Արիոսական վեճի սկզբնավորությունը [], (դիտված՝ 15.02.2023)։

Arian Controversy (2018) = Ariosakan vechi skzbnavorutʻyuně [The Beginning of the Arian Controversy], available at: [], accessed /15.02.2023/ (in Armenian).

  1. Dissertations and abstracts - write the full surname of the author in Roman transcription, then the first letter of the name, as well as the first letter of the patronymic (if available on the title page), after which the year of publication in parentheses (), the "-" sign, the transcription of the full title of the work in italics, then, without period or comma, the English translation of the title in brackets [], followed by:
  • in the case of candidate dissertations: Ph. thesis, the name of the city,
  • in the case of doctoral dissertations: Doctorate degree dissertation, the name of the city,
  • in the case of the abstract of the candidate's thesis: Abstract of Ph. D. thesis, the name of the city,
  • in the case of the abstract of the doctorate thesis: Abstract of Doctorate degree dissertation, the name of the city.

The note should be ended with "." sign.

For example:

Բնագիր տվյալներ


Մելքոնյան Ս․ Ռ․, Միակամության վարդապետությունը միջեկեղեական երկխոսության համատեքստում (7-րդ դարի առաջին կես), թեկնածուական ատենախոսություն, Երևան, 2018։

Melkonyan S. R. (2018) - Miakamutʻyan vardapetutʻyuně mijekeghetsʻakan erkkhosutʻyan hamatekʻstum (7-rd dari aajin kes) [The Monotheletism in the Context of Inter-Church Dialogue (the first half of the 7th century)], Ph. D. thesis, Yerevan (in Armenian).

Մելքոնյան Ս․ Ռ․, Միակամության վարդապետությունը միջեկեղեական երկխոսության համատեքստում (7-րդ դարի առաջին կես), թեկնածուական ատենախոսության սեղմագիր, Երևան, 2018։

Melkonyan S. R. (2018) - Miakamutʻyan vardapetutʻyuně mijekeghetsʻakan erkkhosutʻyan hamatekʻstum (7-rd dari aajin kes) [The Monotheletism in the Context of Inter-Church Dialogue (the first half of the 7th century)], Abstract of Ph. D. thesis, Yerevan (in Armenian).


If the cited source also has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), then it should also be mentioned at the end of the complete bibliographic data of the given source.

For example:

  • Schmidt A., Bozoyan A. (2022) - Kolophone armenischer Übersetzer syrischer Literatur (12.-13. Jahrhundert), Studies in Oriental Sources, vol 3, Yerevan, pp. 135-171. DOI: 10.56549/29537819-2022.3-135

References in the study should be made in footnotes. When mentioning an author in the actual text, it is necessary to write his full name and surname.

When referring to any study in the footnotes, it is necessary to indicate in italics the author's last name, the first letter of the name (if there is a patronymic, also the first letter of the patronymic, after the first letter of the author's name), as well as the publication year of the referenced study in parentheses (), followed by the corresponding page. In the case of all languages, to indicate the page number, use the "p.", which is abbreviated form of the English word "page"., when showing page by page, should be used "pp.".

For example:

  • Grillmeier A.(2004), p. 36.
  • Stratos A. N. (1978), p. 36.
  • Schmidt A., Bozoyan A.(2022), 138-140.

If the article refers to another work by the same author, published in the same year, distinguish them by adding the letters a, b, c ... etc. next to the year indicated in parentheses ().

For example:

  • Grillmeier A.(2004a), p. 36.

If a reference is made to the same work in the next line, then in the case of all languages, write "Ibid.", followed by the corresponding page number, if necessary.

For example:

  • Grillmeier A.(2004a), p. 36.
  • , p. 38. Այս օրինակը չկա կայքում


When referring to primary sources published in the original language, the name of the author should be written in italics without any abbreviations in the footnotes, followed by the year of publication in parentheses (). In the case of non-Latin primary sources, regardless of the original language of it, should be written in the same way, only the full name of the author must be transliterated in Roman letters.

For example:

  • Movsēs Khorenatsʻi(1991), p. 36.
  • Sebēos(1979), p. 36.
  • Abraham Aghbatʻanetsʻi(2005), p. 7.

If the reference source is without an author or the author is unknown, then the title of the work should be shortened in the footnote, but in such a way that the bibliographic data is recognizable in the final bibliography. After the abbreviated version of the title, the year of publication should again be written in parentheses (). In the case of non-Latin titles, transliteration must be done again. In the final bibliography, the abbreviated version used in the footnotes should be written first, after which the full bibliographic data of the referenced source should be indicated with a "=" sign.

For example:

  • Guidi Chronik(1893), germ. transl., p. 36.
  • KanonagirkʻHayotsʻ, 2, (1971), p. 72.

If in the footnotes a reference is made to the translation edition of the original source in any language, then in the case of translations in Roman languages, both when mentioning the name of the author of the primary source and when shortening the titles of primary sources with an unknown author, one should be guided by the translator's transcription. And when referring to translations in non-Latin languages, the transliteration should be done according to the language of the translation. However, in all cases, after the abbreviated version of the author's name or the title and the year of publication of the primary source, the language of the translation should be indicated: "eng. transl.", "germ. transl.", "french. transl.", "russ. transl." etc.

For example:

  • Sebeos, (1999), eng. transl., p. 36.
  • Guidi Chronik(1893), germ. transl., p. 36.