Editorial Team

Fr. SHAHE ANANYAN - Gevorkian Theological Seminary, PhD in Philosophy, Catholic University of Paris
Fr. HUSIK SMBATYAN - Gevorkian Theological Seminary, PhD in Theology, University of Vienna
Fr. NERSES NERSISYAN - B.D, Ph.D,  D.D King’s College and Haythrop College, University of London
HASMIK HOVHANNISYAN - Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Chairperson  of  the  Department  of  Philosophy and  Logic  named  after  Academician  Georg  Brutian at Khachatur Abovian Armenian State Pedagogical University, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of "Wisdom" ("Imastut' yun")
KHACHIK RAFI GHAZARYAN (KHACHIK GAZER) - Doctor of Science in Theology, Professor at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany)
ABRAHAM TERIAN - Doctor of Science in Theology, Professor (USA)